Saturday, February 27, 2010

Internet Marketing Getting Your Business Started - Day 1

I decided to head to my local library to find out if they carried any books on starting an online internet marketing business. I was pleasantly surprised that they in deed had many books that provided valuable information and insight on "How to start" your own internet marketing business. However, I found that most of the books that they did have were already checked out.

Seems like there are a lot of people looking to get started and a lot of competition. However, competition is a good thing and as Bill Gates has said, "The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competition, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd, is to do an outstanding job with information."

After spending around two hours in the library, I walked to the counter and checked out 11 books that ranged from information marketing to selling on eBay and everything in between. Some of the titles which you can check out are:

  1. The Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing on the Internet by Robert Skrob & Bob Regnerus

  2. Moonlighting on the Internet by Yanik Silver

  3. Your Internet Cash Machine - The Insider's Guide to Making Big Money, Fast! by Joe Vitale & Jillian Coleman Wheeler

I can not wait to start to read what these author's have to say! I will let you know which ones are worth reading.

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